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Journeyman Lineman
Fort Collins
United States
| Full-time
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Application Form
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First Name *
Middle Initial
Last Name
Address *
Phone *
Email *
Cover Letter and Resume *
Highlight and degrees, achievements, experience or training not included on your resume:
Are you 18 years of age or older? (if you are hired, you may be required to submit proof of age.) *
Are you legally eligible for employment in the United States? *
Are you willing to relocate? *
How did you hear about this position opening? *
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If you were referred by a current PVREA employee, who can we thank for the referral?
If you have applied at PVREA before, please list the position(s) in which you applied.
If you have ever been fired from a job or asked to resign, please explain why?
If you have any relatives who are presently employed at PVREA, what is their name and what is your relationship? (enter 'n/a' if this does not apply) *
What is the name of your current employer? (enter 'n/a' if this does not apply) *
When did you start working with your current employer? (enter 'n/a" if the does not apply) *
Why do you want to leave your current employer? (enter 'n/a' if this does not apply) *
What is the name of your previous employer? *
What was your start date at your previous employer? *
What was your end date at your previous employer? *
What was your reason for leaving your previous employer? *
For all driving positions, do you have a valid Driver's License? *
Not applicable
Have you had your driver's license suspended or revoked in the last three (3) years? *
I authorize PVREA to solicit information regarding my character, general reputation, previous employment and similar background information, to verify all information provided in my application, and to contact all references given on my application. I hereby waive any privilege I may have regarding this information and release PVREA from all claims, liabilities and damages. *
I certify that the facts and information in this application and in any attachments or supporting documents are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any falsification, misrepresentation or omissions, as well as any misleading statements or omissions will be cause for denial of employment or immediate termination, regardless of when or how discovered. *
I understand that the consideration of my application by PVREA is not an offer of employment and that in the event I am hired, my employment and compensation may be terminated, with or without cause, and with or without notice, at any time. No personnel recruiter, interviewer or other representative of PVREA other than the CEO has any authority to enter into any agreement for employment. *
PVREA is a drug and alcohol-free workplace. I understand that I may be required to submit to a pre- employment physical or other professional examinations, medical inquiries and/or urinalysis tests for the presence of drugs. I agree to such examinations, inquiries and/or testing at PVREA’s expense. I authorize release of the results to PVREA and their use to evaluate my suitability for employment. *
I also release PVREA from all liability arising out of or connected with any examinations, inquiries and/or testing. *
By entering my name below, I acknowledge that I have read each of the above statements. I have also reviewed all of the information, the attachments and/or supporting documents I was provided in this application: *
Thanks for your time
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